With over 275 years of history and 30 years of in-house event coordination experience, Pen Ryn Estate is one of the premier Cherry Hill wedding venues. We aim to provide couples with not just a venue but an unforgettable experience.
The journey towards your perfect day begins here. Our picturesque outdoor settings and elegant historic locations set the stage for your unique love story. Say “I do” amidst the breathtaking river vistas, manicured gardens, and architectural elegance that you won’t find anywhere else. Discover the magic of our wedding venues near Cherry Hill, PA, and make your wedding a cherished memory.
Start planning your perfect day!
My wedding was absolutely perfect and it is all thanks everyone at Pen Ryn! Colin was amazing on my wedding day. He was always there if needed help. He really made the day go smooth! Denyse was a pleasure talking to you and I am thankful for her help during the planning process. Brittany (our bridal attendant) is the most amazing human on the planet. We can’t thank her enough. Me and my husband still talk about how amazing she is. She was always by my side to get me anything I needed. There wasn't a moment I didn't have a drink in my hand. But really, I couldn’t have asked for a better venue and a better group of people to help me along the way. I will be forever grateful! 10/10! GET MARRIED HERE
~ Amber M.